Wix Stix-Didgeridoos by Bruce Wix

Bruce Wix started making didgeridoos in the mid-90s, which quickly turned into a passion which he is still pursuing 20 years later. Bruce was introduced to the didgeridoo and began playing the didgeridoo while travelling up and down the east coast of Cape York on a line fishing boat. Curiosity about the didge and its different qualities got him wanting to explore the intricacies of such an earthy sounding instrument. As a joiner and stair builder Bruce already had extensive timber knowledge and this was an asset in designing and crafting his own unique style of didgeridoos.

Bruce's didgeridoos are all individually hand carved from Australian eucalyptus timbers, Poplar Box, Silver leaf Iron bark, Black Woolly Butt and Bloodwoods.

Bruce seasons his logs by removing the bark and sap wood and letting them dry for 6-12 months, he then shapes the logs and lets them sit for a further period before the final finishing and coating with epoxy resin. Bruce prefers a timber mouth piece, so he either sleeves or uses a "mushroom top" mouthpiece, which is inserted into the didge. This process elimates the need for a wax mouthpiece and allows for a standard size mouth piece. For this process he uses a variety of local timbers

It has taken some time and convincing but Bruce is now ready to showcase Wix Stix to the world and lucky for us he has chosen Spirit Gallery to be his sole Australian retail outlet. It is an absolute honour to have a maker of Bruce's quality on board and his didgeridoos are already turning heads in the gallery for their immaculate finish, workmanship, attention to detail and playability.

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