Kristian Benton Didgeridoos


Kristian has been making and playing didgeridoos for over 15 years. A proud descendant of the Ngemba tribe of Brewarrina, located in north-western NSW, Kristian combines quality instrument workmanship with finely decorated artwork.

If that wasn’t enough, he also happens to be one of the finest players Australia has produced making him without doubt the number one artist/maker/player combination in Australia.

Every Didge that Kristian makes is 100% made from start to finish by Kristian, this ensures the quality and attention to detail that you would expect from a high quality instrument.

Kristian Benton's Yidaki Vibes is a certified Indigenous business and proud member of Supply Nation. Supply Nation suppliers are businesses which are:

-located in Australia.

-owned by Aboriginal personnel.

-controlled and managed by Indigenous personnel.

Kristian is a long time friend of the store and has been working exclusively with Spirit Gallery for many years now. Being such a metcilious craftsmen, in fact, he can barely keep up with the demands we place on him!

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Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB463)

Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB463)


Key: D  Length: 137cm

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Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB459)

Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB459)


Key: E/D#  Length: 137cm

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Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB454)

Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB454)


Key: D#  Length: 135cm

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Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB450)

Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB450)


Key: C#  Length: 145cm

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Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB449)

Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB449)


Key: D  Length: 138cm

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Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB448)

Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB448)


Key: E  Length: 131cm

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Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB447)

Kristian Benton Didgeridoo (KB447)


Key: D  Length: 128cm

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