The Spirit Gallery team has just returned from our biggest didgeridoo road trip ever. Visiting the countries top craftsmen and bringing you the best Eucalyptus termite hollowed music quality didgeridoos on the planet!
Our journey began with a visit to South East Queensland where we sourced over 80 new Iron Bark didgeridoos for the gallery. Out of a collection of approximately 200 we gathered the best and the brightest for our store, including some painted Ironbarks from local Aboriginal artists Leony Roser and Lionel Phillips

Next stop was a highway meet up where we picked up over 30 beautifully painted didgeridoos from Nathan Falke
We then ventured to the Northern River Region of NSW where we spent some time with Tristan Omeara. Finding Tristan’s well hidden workshop is always a challenge as street signs disappear and one must navigate with hand written instructions and if you get lost forget about using the mobile phone as reception is almost non-existent. We finally arrived at Tristan’s picking the cream of what he had including our favourite a long perfect tapered 195cm bell trim C keyed didgeridoo. We also picked up some more affordable epoxy re-works from Tristan. Once again hand picked by the Spirit Gallery team to bring you the best quality.

Next stop was a visit to Kristian Benton near Coffs Harbour where Kristian had a dozen high end instruments waiting for us. Was a great pleasure to catch up with Kristian and share a few beers and talk all things didgeridoo

On our final leg we stopped to visit Tynon from Heartland Didgeridoos picking up our long awaited shipment of quality Heartland didgeridoos. Spirit Gallery is blessed to be the exclusive Australian retail outlet for Heartland Didgeridoos with some of the rarest and most unique Eucalyptus didgeridoos on the planet with Tynon’s best work always coming our way. Over 25 new Heartland Didgeridoos are now online

So what does that mean for our loyal customers. Australia’s best didges from our best makers, all hand picked, only at Spirit Gallery. The only didge store that goes that extra mile !! We don’t muck around with 95cm squeaky high G’s and pretend they are quality instruments or perfect beginners didgeridoos- we will leave that for the souvenir stores.
We genuinely source the countries top instruments, whether it be from our best makers or from the more affordable range. We also don’t “hide” our makers and love to share their stories, photos, videos and didgeridoo journey with our customers. Our makers are not just our business partners but our close friends. This is what sets us apart from other stores and why we have developed such a following among didgeridoo players and why Australia’s top makers have chosen Spirit Gallery to showcase their didgeridoos.
We have already uploaded about half of these new didgeridoos with another 40-50 to be uploaded in the next couple of weeks.
So, come and visit Australia’s largest and finest collection of didgeridoos and purchase your authentic eucalyptus termite hollowed didgeridoo either online or in store today!
As always, any questions, queries, feedback, requests feel free to drop us an e-mail at or call us on 61 (2) 92475961 and we will do our best to help you.
Many thanks
Spirit Gallery Team